Activate your 7-day free trial to
build unlimited custom resumes!
Create unlimited resumes and cover letters with any of our plans, tailored for each job!
Create unlimited resumes and cover letters with any of our plans, tailored for each job!
Create personalized resumes and cover letters with any of our plans, tailored for each job!
Create personalized resumes and cover letters with any of our plans, tailored for each job!
In addition to unlimited documents, all plans also include:
Psychometric assessment
In-demand skills recommendations
ATS-optimized templates
7-day free trial
7 days free, then pay $24.90 every month
1 month
No commitment
6 months
60% OFF
6 month commitment
1 month
7-day free trial
$24.90 monthly
1 month
$24.90 monthlyNo. of documents
1 MonthPsychometric assessment
In-demand skills recommendations
ATS-optimized templates
3 months
7-day free trial
$59.70 quarterly
3 months
$59.70 quarterlyNo. of documents
3 MonthsPsychometric assessment
In-demand skills recommendations
ATS-optimized templates
6 months
7-day free trial
$59.40 bi-annually
6 month
$59.40 bi-annualyNo. of documents
6 MonthsPsychometric assessment
In-demand skills recommendations
ATS-optimized templates
Pay as you go
$4.90 per document
No. of documents
1Psychometric assessment
In-demand skills recommendations
ATS-optimized templates
How the free trial works
7 days, unlimited document creation for free—cancel anytime before the trial ends to avoid payment.
With Trudy, get a faster, more productive hiring process and increase your likelihood of fulfillment and success at work!
Traditional hiring process
Personality assessment not provided
Personality profile not included in resumes or cover letters
Culture fit and personality are only partially retrieved over a long interview process
Hiring process with Trudy
Professional and education experience shown on resume
Personality assessment provided to uncover your professional strengths, skills, and character traits
Personality profile embedded in custom resumes and cover letters to show what makes you unique for every job application
Culture fit and add are confirmed over fewer interview rounds